
Premium Domain Broker Experts

100% Risk Free: Only Pay When We Deliver

At VPN.com, our Premium Domain Broker Team has acquired more than 1,000 domains and has $0 cost to start!

Looking to buy or sell a domain? Our Premium Domain Brokers can connect you with our network of high-profile investors, brands, and high-net-worth individuals.

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How can we help you today?

At VPN.com, our Premium Domain Broker Team has acquired more than 1,000 domains and has $0 cost to start!

Looking to buy or sell a domain? Our Premium Domain Brokers can connect you with our network of high-profile investors, brands, and high-net-worth individuals.

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Our Experts Have Helped Broker Over $65 Million In Transactions

Absolutely zero upfront costs.

At VPN.com, we offer domain sale and acquisition services with no upfront costs. Unlock the potential of your online presence without the financial risk.

100% anonymity for you and your company.

With our anonymous domain sale and acquisition services, you can enjoy complete privacy at every stage of your transaction.

Expert acquisition negotiators for premium exact-match domains

Our experts have helped broker over $65 Million in transactions and that experience will be used to get you the best possible price.

Meet Our Brokers

Headshot of VPN.com CEO Michael Gargiulo

Michael Garguilo

CEO, VPN.com

Michael Gargiulo has bought and sold more than 600 domains, and his acquisition of VPN.com as the 7th largest transaction of 2019 speaks for itself.

Headshot of VPN.com CEO Michael Gargiulo

Sharjil Saleem

VP, Domain Brokerage

Sharjil has a well known resume in the premium, exact-match domain broker industry. He excels at sourcing great buy and sell targets and has brokered countless 6-8 figure domain transactions.